Credits & Sources

Below is a list of sites I used to help build this website. (I do plan on making my own graphics too.. so some are placeholders for now).

If I forget to credit you, please let me know! :)

Billlie Official Images: Billlie's Fancafe, their Naver profiles, their official social media pages
Music Player:
Music tracks: Billlie Official Soundtracks (1) (2) and CD only Tracks
Song Sorter: biasorter on Tumblr
Fonts: Moneygraphy, Nanum Square Round, Yet Another Ransom Note
Icons: Font Awesome
Graphics: FOOL LOVERS, Glitter Graphics, GifCities, Bonnibel's Graphic Collection, Adobe Stock Images
Coding Stuff: W3Schools, scripted, MelonLand, YouTube Player API, Isotope